Artist's Note

Hi hi everyone!
I came to the realization that I am not happy as an artist.
I had put away drawing for so long because I got caught up with real life… and now that I was starting it again, I felt so behind… I was inspired by so many artists and I tried to replicate their work because so many people (including myself) liked them. I wanted to be amazing like them... But it took a toll on me.
I started creating art not for the sake of what made me happy, but for the sake of what I thought would make people happy, what would get me the most likes, the most followers, the most clients...
but I’ve hit a rock. I’m not happy.
And so for this reason alone, I will be closing down: Euwulalye.
My character Eulalye will still be named: Eulalye because I have plans for her and her story.
But me? I will be changing my handle!
Why? Because I just don’t feel like myself as Euwulalye.
I didn’t know who I wanted to be as an artist. I thought that maybe if I used a persona, I’ll be more inspired or motivated… or cool.. but I think I just got more lost.
Eulalye is Eulalye and I am ME. I want my art to represent me. I don’t want to hide behind a persona. I just want to be me.
I love Eulalye and I’m excited for her story and the plans I have for her... But I just want to be me.
I wanna draw the way I wanna draw. I wanna create what I wanna create… and I want to do right by my inner child. 🤍
So, if you guys are willing to go with me on this journey, you guys can follow me on my new socials here:
♡♡♡♡♡thanks for taking the time to read!

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